For our four-legged friends

Well behaved dogs are very welcome at a cost of £10 per night, although not permitted in all of our bedrooms so please let us know on booking otherwise it might have to be a night in the car! We own a much loved, friendly Springer Spaniel, called Crotchet, who asks that your dog please remember to:
- be very gentle with my friends and their visitors
- be quiet when your 2 legged friends have left you for their supper or breakfast (we are not allowed in the dining room) as there may be others in the next room who want an early night or a lie in
- wipe your feet when you come into the house (I don’t really know why they have a red carpet!) – just ask if you need a hose down and a towel, there is a tap near the gate and plenty of warm towels in the airing cupboard
- if you are inclined to find your supper or breakfast doesn’t stay in the bowl, please use the protective feeding mat if dining in your room
- use the little bags provided for your packages
- you are more than welcome to stretch your legs in the garden and please feel free to play with my toys. There are gates and cattle grids to prevent you rushing out onto Iffin Lane but take great care if you are of a mind to practice the long jump or squeeze under the post and rail fence without your human with you!
- my other animal friends are sometimes in the paddock which you walk through to get onto the lane – please don’t chase or bark at them as their back legs can kick a fair punch!
- ask my people for a torch, if needed, for late night activities before settling down

My folks have a large barn for storing your cage if you need. If you have forgotten to pack your bowl, bed, lead (that’s the usual one!) or food let me know and I will find you one. If your folks haven’t enough room in the car to pack your food, bed, etc let me know in advance and we can arrange to have it provided at a small cost.
In the event of accidentally breaking/damaging something through holiday exuberance please either replace it or let my folks know so they can sort out a replacement. Please don’t feed me as apparently I’m on a strict diet!
I would like to introduce my girlfriend Goldie who we have sponsored. She is a beautiful Collie Cross and she lives at Dogs Trust.
Dog friendly Restaurants
- The Rose & Crown
Elham, Canterbury, Kent. CT4 6TD (Tel: 01303 840226) - The Old Coach & Horses
Harbledown, Canterbury, Kent. CT2 9AB (Tel: 01227 761330 - The Granville
Lower Hardres, Kent (Tel: 01227 700402)
for other Pubs in Kent when you are travelling look on Doggie Pubs
Useful Information
Waggy Tails
Dog sitting/walking services
(Tel: 01227 768637 or mob: 07786224439)
- Companion Care Veterinary Surgery
(Inside Pets at Home, CT1 3TQ) Tel: 01227 812884 - The Barton Veterinary Surgery
24Hour Emergency Cover
34 New Dover Road, Canterbury Tel: 01227 470033